Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Mattress testing

(I think we are close enough to Missy's coming out here to tell portions of this post without her changing her mind and not getting on the plane.)

I put the air mattress in Emma and Ruth's room tonight. There is room for the air mattress because we had previously pulled both of their dressers out of the room, because they were getting into them every night and throwing their clothes all over the place. (And sometimes into the hall)

We've been having some trouble with Ruth. She's just reveling in all her "terrible two" glory. She just goes from one thing to another, getting into trouble all along the way. Kate has been assigned as her permanent shadow.

For example, this afternoon, I put her in her high chair, she wanted some chocolate pudding. I figured that if she was in the high chair, she wasn't able to get into something else. Instead of eating the pudding, she made the largest mess physically possible with it.

Last night at about 11pm, Ruth was screaming. (her and Emma had come out of their room.) I went back there, Ruth was on the floor of the bathroom, they (or she) had knocked loose the drain pipe for the bathroom sink, and the water was fully turned on. Luckily, it appears the floor in the bathroom was in no way level, and all the water was pooling by the tub. We were at a half inch to an inch deep over there by the time I got to it. I did not react well to the situation, but that was last night. I can laugh at it now.

Anyway, we would like to have her stay in her room and not go crazy at night. Serious plans are being made to stick all 4 girls in the same room, so there is a 2 girl oversight committee for Ruth. For tonight, I told Kate I wanted her to sleep on the matress to make sure it didn't deflate in the night. Then I said, "oh by the way, make sure Ruth doesn't get out of the room."

Anyway, I'm sure they will be perfect little angels for Missy. Or she will never agree to watch them again. One of the 2.

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