Friday, August 17, 2007

Walking slowly

On Monday morning, I walked to work. It turns out this was a really bad idea. By nighttime, my ankle hurt so bad I could hardly walk on it, I couldn't sleep with it. It took more than an hour to find a position to sleep with it. It's hurt ever since.

Walking with a hurt ankle tweaks the back. My back has been severally tweaked all week. It's getting better, but still hurts.

I've been pounding down the ibuprophen this week. It's starting to help. I thought about going in to see the surgeon who worked on it before. It turns out that he doesn't do ankles anymore, only knees, hips, and shoulders. I guess it's good to specialize. The receptionist told me the office had someone who did ankles, she asked if I needed surgery. (They also had someone who could see me if I didn't need surgery, and would refer me over, if necessary.) I didn't make an appointment, I figure if the receptionist was ready to schedule me for surgery, I really didn't need to be running in to see one of the doctors in that office.

I've been taking it easy, and the ankle is starting to get better. Hopefully the back will follow.

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