Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Breaking in the new project manager

For some reason, we have a bunch of project managers at work. We have a new guy on one of the projects I'm on, the project makes me irritable enough, but I don't necessarily have the patience for breaking the new guy in. Last week, he decided to cancel the weekly meeting 15 minutes before it was supposed to start. Us engineers met anyway. Early this afternoon, they scheduled a vendor's reference client for a conference call for tomorrow morning. I declined, I thought I had to be somewhere else.

In the meeting I said something to the effect of "one other thing... For the other reference clients we will be talking to, will you be scheduling the appointment for some random time during the week, or do you think you could actually pick a time with some hope that some of us can participate?" He looked kind of ticked off. Most everyone else thought it was pretty funny. (They were just afraid to say it.)

Later, they sent the minutes out in docx format (Office 2007). I fairly politely asked that they save the thing in a format we of the non-Windows persuasion could do something with. Clearly I have more work to do there...

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