Sunday, January 13, 2008

Some times I'm not a people person...

The Spanish speaking Elders called the other night, they were looking for me to get them a Stake leadership directory and a map of the wards in the Stake. I directed them to the Ward mission leader in the Spanish ward. Today they called, the ward mission leader wasn't able to print them out copies of the things, they wanted to know if I could do it for them. (How'd they get my number anyway? I figure they were driving the Stake President crazy, he pawned them off on me. (Unconfirmed rumor.) If so, I guess I'm ok with it.)

They wanted the stuff today, "if at all possible". I'm not sure what the problem is. Maybe they are new in the area. Our Stake holds a monthly meeting with all ward mission leaders that the missionaries attend, they would have met them all then. Anyway, right at the end of church, they kept called me over and over modifying their request. The last one very nearly put me over the top. They finally figured out that I was going to give them a map of the stake, with ward boundaries marked. They wanted the maps that the Ward mission leaders from each Ward had of their ward. I let the Elder know that I didn't really know what type of map he was taking about, the Stake wasn't passing out ward maps right and left, and our stake was only 6 miles square, it's not like any map is all that big. The Elder agreed to take what I could give him.

I printed out the stuff, and took it up to the building where the Hispanic ward meets. They start at 1pm this year. I gave the stuff to the second counselor in the Bishopric, his comment was "why didn't they just ask me? I could have given them all this stuff..." Sometimes I can't win.

Too my credit, I didn't get as ticked off about it as I could have. Mainly, I didn't want to get mad at the missionaries. I may (or may not) have been like that back in the day. They don't know me from the next guy off the street, they likely assumed I was a helpful person.

This evening, I went to the Stake center to get the Stake President out of his office. (He was meeting with someone and needed to be somewhere else.) The Spanish speaking Elders were there completely lost, poking their head into every door they could find. It turns out the monthly Stake missionary meeting was tonight, they were looking for the High Council room. They interrupted several other little meetings they had been having. I looked, but neither of them was a Sutton...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm very proud of your reaction John Payne.