Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ball Night!

The BYU basketball team so nearly made it to the Elite Eight tonight. Then they blew it in overtime. They had a great season. Now the Jimmermania here at the house can die down a bit.

Hopefully Coach Rose sticks around. (He evaded the question on the radio tonight.) If they go somewhere else, maybe they'd sell us their house at a 75% discount...

In other news, the BYU Baseball team had their home opener tonight. We had free passes. They sent four free passes to all BYU employees, good for one of the three games this weekend. I ended up with something like twenty of them. There were maybe a hundred people at the game tonight. I chalk it up to the fact that the basketball team was playing in the Sweet Sixteen game at the time (It was halftime when left for the game), and it was cold and potentially going to rain. (It didn't rain, and wasn't super cold, really.)

They ended up winning, beating San Diego State 8-4. I took Kate, Mary, and Emma to the game, they seemed to have a good time. After the game, they were handing out more tickets. We would go back tomorrow night, but Tara reminds me that we have other plans tomorrow night. I forgot about them. Maybe we will go back on Saturday. I've got about a dozen extra tickets for tomorrow night or Saturday, if anyone wants them.

The first pile of "baseball game peanut shells" of the year...

1 comment:

Sarah Burgoyne said...

I LOVE baseball! We had fun going to the Provo Angels games, now know as the Orem Owls I believe. Can't really beat free family fun.