Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Even-tempered Kate beyond Thunderdome"

Tonight was the city wide elementary school choir festival. They hold this annually, each elementary school has their choir sing one song in the festival. In previous years, this was held at the Provo Tabernacle, but the Tabernacle is unavailable right now, because it burned to the ground six months ago.

Enter the Thunderdome! One of the High Schools in town are the "Thunderbirds", their gym is called the Thunderdome. It was the best place they could find to hold the festival.

Anyway, Kate sang, seemed to enjoy herself, and only has one more week of getting up early for choir practice before they knock off for the year. Here's a video:

(No zoom on the video function, sorry. We were also really not close at all, so no clear pictures.)

Now, about the Thunderdome. For some reason, the bleachers have incredibly tall seats. I'm not sure why, I imagine the guys that built it were all seven foot tall. My feet barely touched the ground normally, I had to sit kind of funny to get my feet on the ground. This made my legs go to sleep. The reason why they resort to battle to the death format in post-apocalyptic Thunderdome? Because the seats are so uncomfortable. At the end of the choir festival, the kids stomped their feet and made a lot of noise to cheer for their teachers. You could almost hear them chanting "Two men enter, One man leaves". Despite all this, and the fact that it was a choir festival, no sign of Tina Turner tonight.

It wasn't that bad, really. The adults mostly tempered their urge to talk to the captive audience, for the most part, and they kept it to just the other side of one hour. We just need to find them a venue that allows the audience to keep the use of their limbs afterwards for next year.

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