Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New superpower

I discovered today that I have a new superpower - I'm completely invisible to the Boy Scouts of America!

Six months ago, I tried to register as our local troop and pack chartered organizational representative. Seemed pretty straight forward - fill out the form, send it in. I had our cub committee chair take it in for me, she was headed to the district office anyway. They wouldn't take it, I hadn't taken the online Youth Protection Training.

I took the training. I gave the form back to her, she was headed up there again. Seemed to take that time. They took the form, and acted like they would process the application.

Several weeks later, I get the form in the mail, with a note that I needed the Youth Protection Training done, and the certificate from it with the application. Stapled to the application was the Youth Protection Training certificate. This was a bit odd, I thought, but we had a Roundtable meeting a few days later, so I took my form with me. I showed it to the district executive, he wasn't sure what to say, but took my application to take back to the office.

Six weeks later, it's time to recharter. Our scout committee chair tells me that I'm not on the online leader list, but maybe it's just lagging behind a bit. He planned to head on out to the district office to charter the troop, or something like that. Turns out the Scout office claims no knowledge of me, and I have to fill out another application.

I'm not a big fan of filling out forms, and especially not when I've already done it once, but I do it again. Things seem ok, they took the charter documents.

Now it's about three and a half months later. Today I got an email from the district executive that our unit's charter had gotten sent back, they needed to get my application to resend in the charter. I tried my very best to keep my filter engaged...

I called the district executive, and while I didn't express my aversion to filling out forms, I did talk about this little history lesson I'm sharing here. He still wants a new application filled, since they don't know where either of the others are.

I went online, they have a form online that you can type your answers to the form, but it only fills out the first page, and not really all that well. I ended up filling out the new form, going and finding my training certs again, and getting everything ready. I suppose this one I should take up there myself, and get them to sign some sort of form saying the received delivery of the stinking thing.

I fully expect to get a call soon, where they tell me they have my form, but they don't believe I am a real person...

1 comment:

Sarah Burgoyne said...

Sounds like your dealing with an insurance company :)