Monday, March 28, 2011

Dirty Rotten Stinking Allergies

Nearly every year I spend a little bit of time complaining about allergies. I don't remember having such problems as a kid. It seems like every year, I have a week or two in the early Spring, and a week in the early Summer, when I get hammered by allergies.

Last weekend (8-9 days ago), I was knocked off my feet by something. Saturday night I did not sleep well. Sunday morning I woke up with a splitting headache, I was dizzy, overheated, and ached everywhere. I slept about 18 hours on Sunday. I stayed home from work on Monday, and didn't really leave the couch for the better part of the day. I was headed for another sick day on Tuesday, but some things came up at work I needed to deal with, and I went in.

The headache continued through to this weekend. Then last night, I was sitting here in the house, and realized that for a good part of the week, my eyes have been all kinds of itchy as well. Allergies. Why didn't I think of that sooner. It's not like I haven't been dealing with them all this time. I have a strong suspicion it's a bush in my back yard that gets me. I hacked it to bits several years ago, but I didn't dig the roots out, and it eventually grew back.

Last night I took a Benadryl before I went to bed. I felt tons better this morning. In the last few hours, I've started into a stuffy nose, the headache is back, and it's so much fun. Hopefully it passes in the next few days.

It's better than it used to be. Before I started poking my head into bushes around the house, I used to spend a week flat on my back in bed...

1 comment:

~ Amy said...

I had allergy troubles in Utah, Virginia and Maryland. You have to move back to Buffalo if you want them to go away for real. That's what I did.