Saturday, March 19, 2011

Book Review

Greg Cox

Another Comic Novelization!

I've been reading a non-fiction book off and on for longer than I would like to admit. I don't know why it's taken so long to finish, maybe it's because the author is British, and he is writing with an accent. I've got maybe a half dozen books I am currently somewhere in the middle of, and will eventually finish up. Last week I got this book from Amazon, and decided to take a break from the other book I was reading.

This book is a novelization of the year long DC comic series that followed "Infinite Crisis", but came before "Final Crisis". (I wonder what the next 'Crisis' event for DC will be.) After "Infinite Crisis", Superman didn't have his powers, Batman was away trying to be less paranoid or something, and Wonder Woman was busy trying to be a normal human for a while. The world was left to other heroes for a year.

The book primarily deals with the Booster Gold, Batwoman, The Question, and Black Adam story lines of the comic book series. The book is pretty violent, and the there were things about the book I definitely didn't like, but they are also story elements that are being pushed in the comics these days, I hear.

Reading the book makes me wish there was a way for the comic novelization genre to succeed. It would be nice to have some well written comic novels to read from time to time. I don't have the time, money, or really the inclination to collect comic books. I do like Superman / Batman / etc, we have on DVD a number of the TV series that have been done.

Anyway, the day was saved without Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. But only barely. We will now return to our regularly scheduled programming...

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