Sunday, June 15, 2008

2008 Goal Update

Tara is taking a nap. Adam is taking a nap. Not all the girls are asleep yet. (It is 10:45 at this point. I ended up turning out all the lights on one or two of them twice this weekend...) I am awake. I guess that means it's time for some blog updates.

  1. Post a goal update to the blog at least twice a month. 11 updates - Right on schedule.
  2. Don't let a post go by without some progress to report.
  3. Stain the play set. Complete. Put it in the books
  4. Finish the retaining wall. I have talked about this here this week. The Bishop's wife down the street may want us to go down and get her some tan bricks, so I will see if they have any more gray bricks for me, but I am not holding my breath. I really kind of like the way the wall is actually going to shape up now.
  5. Finish the mission journal. No progress.
  6. Build a bunk bed for Emma and Ruth. Late Spring. Maybe I should have bought wood instead of stone this past week. But I didn't.
  7. Stay under the 210 weight. Current weight - 207. I've been eating a lot of junk food the past couple of days.
  8. Go to the temple at least once a month. This has not happened yet this month.
  9. Take Tara somewhere for our 10th wedding anniversary. Still looking for plane tickets to drop for September, but I've sunk $1000 into this trip to date...
  10. Read 18 books. 11 books completed so far, I should finish another one very soon, since I need to read it for work to write a paper.
  11. Plant something other than tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, green beans and peas.

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