Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Father's Day travelogue

This morning, I got up not quite as early as other days. (7:00 instead of the 5:30am wakeup that was starting to be an annoying habit, since I wasn't really going to bed any earlier...) It took some convincing 45 minutes later to get the girls out of their beds, but they eventually all started moving. We thought Missy was coming over to do up the girls hair before church, but she didn't show, so I gave it a go. Tara usually asks the girls how they wanted their hair done, (ponytail, pigtails, headband, half ponytails, etc.) but I am a one trick pony. They all got a headband in the front, and a ponytail in the back. I was mostly trying to avoid the "we are a bunch of urchins" look. I think we did ok. Everyone was ready for church early, so we walked. Missy and Steve caught up to us, they got confused on the time.

The girls sang with the primary, Ruth went up with them, I couldn't tell where she was standing up there, but she came back so I guess there was no harm done.

Lily usually does pretty good in sacrament meeting, but at least once a week she either decides to try to escape, or starts crying for one reason or another. Today she fell and bonked her head on the pew in front of us. I took her to the foyer, she started jumping like a frog and saying "ribbit." Not sure who taught her that, but she thinks it is funny.

Today was "Nursery Appreciation Day", Lily got to go to nursery. It seems to be 5000% easier when they already have a sibling in there to show them the ropes. Lily went in, I asked Ruth to show her what they do in nursery, Ruth tried to do a hand stand. I asked Ruth if she stands on her head in nursery, she said yes. I let it go, when the toy cupboard was opened, they both went over and I left. The nursery leaders said Lily did fine. (Pretty much what I expected.)

Mary had a scripture for Primary, she changed it to a scripture and a talk. (She wanted to talk about what the scripture was talking about.) She did a good job. The primary does a thing for Father's Day called "Dad in a sack", where they have this 7 foot sack you come in under, the kids ask questions to see if they can figure out who it is. Last time I did this, the first question was "Do you have 5 girls?", and they fingered me. This year, Mary asked me the first question, she asked "Are you my Dad?" That was the end of Dad in a sack for me this year. I must have some sort of distinctive look while under a 7 foot sack.

My phone rang about 30 times during church. A server at work went down and didn't come back. There was a Priesthood ordination scheduled, the high counselor assigned to attend forgot and ended up 30 miles away. I had to find someone else to go over there in his place. There was another Priesthood ordination later in the day, the Elder's Quorum president in that ward got some people riled up about the schedule even though there was nothing to get riled up about. I ended up talking to 5 different people about it, getting everyone on the same page. 2 different people needed 'emergency' temple recommends done. One was a guy getting married on Friday, he was leaving for Mexico Tuesday. The other was someone who lost his recommend. I was sitting near the Elder's Quorum present in priesthood, he was surprised when the phone started vibrating yet again at 11:45. I thought about not answering, but it was Tara, so I did.

After church, I went to the hospital to pick up Tara and Adam to bring them home. Someone had given us a (new to us) baby seat a few months back, and I hadn't really looked it over before today. The thing is not a 5 point harness, and really is a little too big for Adam to be riding safely in. I have to go buy a new car seat tomorrow. (They say you are not supposed to us baby carriers that are older than 5 years old. That's really ok for us, because the one we had before was "well used" and looked it's age.)

At some point, Tara talked to the girls about getting my Fathers Day presents out. They got a big bag, and wanted to decorate it, so I took Adam into our bedroom to feed him there so they could decorate and put the presents in. Tara was worried that the presents weren't anything special, but she did bring me home a son for Father's day, which really doesn't happen every year... I got a book, a super soaker, and a little thing to hold the tools to make hats and scarves. (I need to finish Lily's purse still) The girls seem to enjoy getting sprayed by water, except for Lily, who wasn't really paying attention and only knew she was wet...

In the evening, I ended up playing Catan and a game called Blokus with Rob and his brother. (And (his friend? I don't think it's another brother.) Brett. I got worked in Catan, they all blocked me off. I took 3rd in Blokus, but didn't get a rematch. (It was my first time playing.) I think I could have taken them in a second game, and I am sure I could take them in the triangles version...

Anyhow, it was a good fathers day, for me at least. Also, I was only peed on once.

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