Monday, June 30, 2008

I'm no tree hugger...

I've got something to share, and need to make a blog post, so this is it.  The thing I want to share is at the end...

The last couple of times I have been to the store, I have been asked if I want my stuff in bags.  (Things like big packages of diapers, boxes of Capri Sun, that sort of thing.)  I always say yes, and I always want plastic.  The bagger was a little annoyed at the diapers, and today the bagger was mostly just amused, I bought $60 in drinks.  (Pop, Capri Sun, Gatorade.  It was all on sale, and it is hot here.)  Why do I always want my stuff in bags?  Because we use the bags as garbage bags at home.  The garbage doesn't pile up, and is just the right size for Kate, Mary, or Emma to carry out to the can.

We have a recycle can, they come every other week to pick it up.  We easily could fill the can every week if they came that often.  We started getting the recycle can when our garbage can started filling every week.  It cost as much for a second can is it did for a recycle can so we tried it out.  So far so good. 

That's about as environmentally friendly as I get.  It doesn't bother me that I drive a car around.  I am not worried about my carbon footprint.  (Here it is.)  I once buried 150 pounds of burnt spaghetti in the middle of a forest.  And not very deep.  I am sure at some point a bear and some raccoons came across it and either had a feast, made a mess, or at the very least said "What in the world is this?"  I never went back to check on it after.  I really should have.

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