Monday, June 26, 2006

2.21 Gigawatts!

(Sometimes I throw in a title that has nothing to do with the content, just to confuse the natives.)

Warren Buffett is giving away his fortune. Well, not all of it, just 85% of it. For me that amounts to $3.47, give or take 5 cents, but for Warren Buffett, that's a fair chuck of change. Of course, it's esitmated that he still will have 6 Billion dollars left. I can't even imagine having anything nearly close to that much, much less having given away $34 Billion already. Thinking that high makes me think it's just funny money.

It's like at work, paying the IT department for your phone line at your desk, but you work in the IT department. One day one number is in the account, the next it's a totally different number, and a different account has a higher number. It just moved. I wonder if that's what it's like to move $34 Billion and still have $6 Billion. Luckily, I never will have to find out. (I'm perfectly happy having enough once in a while to buy Tara something nice...)

Anyhow, I hope a lot of good comes from it.

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