Friday, June 30, 2006

Quick Stats

I have been home alone for roughly 2 1/2 weeks.

In that time I have accomplished the following:

Cleaned the back room, kitchen (sort of), bathroom, front room, and 2 1/2 bedrooms.
Managed to start, but not finish the painting of my chair
Listened to a dozen baseball games
Made $80 in a yard sale
Spend said $80 on candy
Ate about 40 Otter Pops
Lost 8 pounds
Walked approximately 78 miles ("Is that right?" you say? That's only 4.5 miles a day, and to my office and back is 3 miles...)

Managed to not:

Burn the house down
Break any bones
Cause any other damage to myself or others

If figure it's a successful outing.

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