Thursday, June 15, 2006

Picture of the day

We have a number of pea plants doing well in the garden right now. I had eaten over half of them before I decided to make them 'picture of the day' material. Snow peas come in #2 on my list of "best things eaten directly out of the garden", right behind tomatoes.

Speaking of tomatoes, I have a number of them out there.

I have a lot of yard work to do. I only got the yard half mowed tonight, I got home about 8:30 tonight, 10:30 last night, and 10:00 the night before. This is less conducsive to yard work. I am planning to work Saturday morning, so I am seriously concidering playing hookey tomorrow in order to work around here, my berries look like they are in trouble if I don't act fast...


Anonymous said...

welcome home. did you ever beat Tom?

jjp said...

No, I did not...

Well, once I did, but I used the cheat code "tuck tuck tuck."

Tara said...

What's wrong with our berries?