Thursday, October 11, 2007

Game Time

Age of Empires

Tonight's game (the return of Thursday night game time) featured a new player - Tom. Tom has been practicing, he's already up to a level 35 home city. Dad, Dave, Tom and I played a free for all game.

Dave attacked me first, so I sent a bunch of dudes down to his home city and pretty much ended his night. Tom attacked me as I was starting to finish up with Dave, so I had to run up there to protect myself before I could finish. Tom seemed to have some sort of fascination with artillery. An annoying fascination with artillery. In the end, he wasn't able to do enough damage with them to polish me off. (Although he got sort of close to getting to where is would be big trouble for me. Tom claimed nap time before we knocked him out. He eventually left the game to get rested for work.

Dad seems to have let the rest of us knock heads with each other before attacking. I figured this wasn't a bad thing, after I wiped Dave mostly out, and started dealing with Tom, I figured it might not be a bad thing to let Dad get a little sleepy waiting for whoever lasted longer. (I call it the East Coast disadvantage. I don't know if Adam has a computer or if he's planning to start in with us, or if he can, but he would definitely have the advantage over in Hawaii...) He had quite the water blockade set up, and his town center had 4 layers of walls around it. As I attacked the first layer of walls, he ran a very large number of dudes up to my town center, right past the dudes I had coming in. This worried me a bit, but I was able to get enough guys collected together before he got up there to keep him from breaking in. Had I not had money, he would have ruined my economy and won. In the end, my non-stop barrage of people into his town was too much for his dudes to handle, I won the game.


Next morning update: We got an honorable mention on the noob's blog...


Dave said...

I had to go into work last night. I waited an hour before going in, and I sent my guys up to attack right before I left... Sounds like it I stuck around I may have stayed in for a while.. May have held you off for until tom attacked or rebuilt. I got home after midnight(I almost got home earlier, but got paged again) Oh well, next week I am not oncall. So Tom likes the artillery, eh?

Anonymous said...

hmmm... I think Adam might be in for this Thursday... see if I can get off work by 2 or 3 pm.. whenever you guys play.....

jjp said...

We play at 9pm Eastern. You need to have the latest patches installed, install Hamachi and 'aoe3loader".