Sunday, October 21, 2007

It's good to be wanted, sort of.

When Ruth is with Tara, she will occasionally say, with great emotion, "I want my Daddy!" This sometimes causes problems, like when I am at work. Tara had her one of the last couple of days in the car driving around. Ruth had fallen asleep, at some point partially woke up and muttered "I want my Daddy." I guess it's not just for show when she does it semi consciously.

Tara had to speak in church today. (I guess she technically didn't have to speak, but she did anyway.) I sat down with the girls about half way back the chapel. I figured there would be problems, Ruth would really prefer to sit on the stand every week anyway. I get the feeling she thinks it would be fun to be up there. Anyway, just before the sacrament, she had decided that she'd had enough coloring, and wanted to go sit with Tara. "I want to sit with my Mommy!" This I wasn't willing to allow, for 2 reasons. The first was that I couldn't guarantee she would behave, and I would need to go get her at some point. I was holding Lilly, so this was not a preferred option. The second was that Tara was going to have to get up and speak, I didn't want to tick Tara off by not being able to handle the kids, at least not before she spoke. (Turns out she was last on the program.)

Ruth started insisting, we went out in the hall. (Ruth, Lilly, and I) Ruth was pretty upset, and took a while to stop crying. When I thought things were completely calm again, I asked her if she wanted to go in and sit with Emma. The first 2 times I asked, the answer was no, she wanted to sit with Mommy. The third time, she decided to say she wanted to sit with Emma. We went in, Ruth made a bee line for the stand. I caught her just before she got there, which made her mad, we went back out in the hall. Just before Tara was to speak, I convinced her to go in and sit by Emma, but monitored the travel down the aisle, and turned her head in the direction of our pew when we got there. She went in the pew and sat down. She seemed ok with things once Tara started speaking...

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