Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Strep Throat

I went into the doctor today to get him to look at my throat. Turns out it's strep, they put me on an antibiotic.

I didn't go into work yesterday or today, some of the guys called at various times, (because being at home sick means you can still work, as long as your laptop is on and you aren't oozing bodily fluids.) a couple of them tried making some sort of attempt at humor saying I wasn't sick, I was just being lazy. This afternoon, after being at the doctor, I got a couple of these calls. I volunteered to come right in and help them personally with whatever it was they wanted me to do, and let them know I had strep, and was going to be contagious until the medicine kicked in. In both cases, they backpedaled immediately and didn't want me to come in. (Since they knew that if they went any further, I would make good on my threat.) Maybe they will think twice the next time I email and say I'm out sick for the day...

By the way, it was the worse possible day to have a sore throat. Today was Free Taco Day at Taco Bell. I thought about walking over there with the girls this afternoon, but they were giving away hard shell tacos, and the effort to get the girls organized and down the street wasn't worth it if I wasn't even going to be able to eat the taco myself...

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