Friday, August 18, 2006

Funtime Hookey Fridays

I wasn't going into work today. This didn't last long, people actually noticed I was not there, and must have resented it, because they kept calling until they browbeat me into coming into work.

It wasn't all bad. Sorrel made curry and rice for lunch, which was pretty good. I actually got some things done I needed to do. I was told that this Wednesday for pancakes (One of the DBA's makes pancakes every Wednesday), there will be blueberry syrup.

I got a call from someone that wanted to change the date next week that I will be patching the servers. He asked if I could do it on Wednesday morning (the day and time I had it scheduled). I was more than happy to work around that schedule.

So, Funtime Hookey Friday appears to involve lots more work than Funtime Hookey Monday.

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