Thursday, August 31, 2006

Shopping while hungry is a dangerous thing.

We went shopping today. It's payday, so we figured we would spend all our money all in one fell swoop.

Anyhow, the only thing on our list was diapers and wipes, Tara tells me that alone was $70. The total was $300, and we don't have anything here to eat! (Just kidding)

Emma lost her brand new Donald Duck comic book. I had just picked it up for her on the way to the store. I guess it was really me that lost it, she had it in the basket, I moved it to but jugs of milk in, and when we got to the checkout, it was gone. It's not in the store, I went all over it after, I'm pretty sure someone picked it up and walked off with it. I just called the store, and they didn't get it turned in.

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