Friday, March 23, 2007

Restaurant Review

Doc's Pizza Buffet

Also know as Adam's once favorite place in town to eat. We haven't been in this place in a long time mostly because of my body's longstanding rejection of greasy pizza. (The vote was 5 to 1 with one absention.)

Tonight was karioke night at the pizza buffet, which the girls liked. I had a couple of plates of spagetti and garlic bread.

Ruth decided that she wanted my drink, which she really liked. (Dr. Pepper) She kept getting more. I tried to switch her drink and put a little root beer in one time, but she didn't like that at all. She really likes Dr. Pepper, Tara got her to start asking for "Pepper in the bottle", I'm not sure how long that will go on for. (Once, Tara had a 44 oz drink from a gas station on the kitchen table. I caught Ruth walking around the house drinking from it...)

There is now a battle raging in my gut. Just thought I'd share.

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