Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Mersenne Prime Number Seach

I've started doing the search for very large prime numbers again. This is something I used to do on my machices 9 years ago, but stopped about 7 years ago. I had it running back in the day on my desktop, and was working to get it going on a couple of old DG/UX (Data General) machines, when I had a little problem with someone else doing stupid things with the "SETI@Home" search software on new production machines.

By the time I had stopped doing factoring, I had only checked 10 numbers for primality. They have discovered 6 very large primes since I stopped. The numbers they are checking now are very, very large; but computers they are using to do the checking are now very, very fast.

I've got my laptop running checks now. We'll see how things go.

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