Saturday, August 23, 2008

The bane of volunteer movers

I got called late last night to go help someone move this morning. The High Priests group leader thought it would take about an hour.

I got there at 8am, and was the first one there. This was a single parent, I waited for someone else to show. It turned out that this lady had not packed a single thing. She was in an apartment complex for the Summer that housed single girls in the Fall and Winter, so I know she had known for quite some time that she would be moving. This is my least favorite thing. I think it's ok to not pack if you are going from one apartment to another in an apartment complex, or if you are moving half way down the street, but when you are moving 20 miles away, and you want people to come help you move, you should at least pack your stuff and not expect the volunteers to.

It could have been worse. When I got ready to take the couch, she told us that all the furniture stayed in the apartment. All the furniture. This was nice.

It could have been worse. Once on my mission, we went to help a family move, they also hadn't packed anything, but had 12 rabbits in the house. It was nasty, dirty, and disgusting.

We were done in 2 1/2 hours. Better than expecting an hour and taking all day long...

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