Sunday, August 10, 2008

Helping people move

I get directly asked more these days to help people move than I have in a number of years. This, I think, is in part because people have forgotten how badly I broke my ankle back in the days, in part because they don't know how badly my muscles and joints hurt sometimes, and mostly because of the truck.

Missy and Steve moved to a new apartment yesterday. The new one is very nice when you compare it to the old place they lived in. Or when you compare it to 90% of the apartments in the area, I think. Steve came over in the morning to borrow the truck, and let me know they could use me at 11:30 or so. (Or sort of told me. We need to work on his asking people to come help move skills, I think.) I fished for a little information, it turned out that it was going to be Steve, Drew, me and one other dude doing the work. I might have ditched out if it weren't for this, I wasn't exactly feeling at my peak this weekend. I would have taken the big van if I had the energy to get the seats out, but I took the minivan over, and we got them moved in 2 1/2 trips.

The deed is done. At least until the next time someone is moving and needs people with trucks to help. (I'm ok with this, really. I was just pretty sore yesterday morning before starting... I don't mind helping people move, as long as I don't have to lift one end of a piano. I am also ok with lifting one end of a piano, but I have been banned for life from doing this by Tara.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's probably against your health.
