Sunday, August 24, 2008

September Goals

I'll keep it (sort of) simple for September, and post 4 goals:
  1. Read 5 books. 3 of these are already in some form of being worked on. 3 of these, but not the same 3, are library books due back at the library fairly soon.
  2. Sell the minivan. This one is not totally in my control. I'm tired of the extra car payment that I have been making, and wouldn't mind at all if I could stop.
  3. Finish a detailed design paper at work. I've got a project that has been dragging on for about 10 months at work, the last 5 months or so have been my fault really. I did a proof of concept, and was supposed to write the detailed design after that, but other things kept getting in the way.
  4. Enjoy our vacation. It should be fun.
That's it. It doesn't seem like a lot, but it really is quite a bit to tackle. I am sure the paper is 2 full weeks worth of work, the vacation is 10 days. If I do nothing this next month but get these done, I will not be upset at all...

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