Wednesday, November 29, 2006

New High Councilor

We have called a new High Councilor in the Stake. (This seems to happen quite often here.) I called him this afternoon, left him a message to call me back. He called back about 45 minutes later, and started in on me. ("I don't want to hear about any meetings, I hope you don't have something for me to do...") I asked him to come in to see the Stake President. His response was something along the lines of "See, there you go. I told you meetings were out." He offered to not wear a suit. Then he offered to bring a pack of cigarettes with him. My response was that he didn't have to do that, but he could bring his wife with him. That really got him going...

Well, he's one of those fast talking jokester types. (Not sure how else to describe it.) After his interview, I told him he can not be afraid to answer his phone when I call from now on. Not sure what kind of consolation that was for him.

I have to admit, the "can you come in and meet with the Stake President? Can you bring your wife with you?" card is a pretty fun one to play...

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