Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Stake Christmas cards

Last year, for the Stake Christmas card, President Hales designed a very nice trifold card. (He's a graphic designer.) They signed and addressed all the cards, and gave them to me to get mailed. There was only one problem with them, they were square (6"x6") cards with square envelopes.

I went to the post office, they told me the stamps would be 12 cents more. I said ok, do you have 49 cent stamps? They offered to give me a 37 cent, a 10 cent, and a 2 cent stamp. I had 200 cards, and really didn't want to stick on 600 stamps on envelopes. I asked if they would meter the cards. They told me if it was one or two of them, they would do it, but not 200.

Well, I figured I could had deliver most of them for the effort it would take to affix 600 stamps. I called around, places with metering machines generally charged to use the metering machine. Eventually I found a place that would meter the things for me for no extra charge.

Anyway, this year we have another trifold card, President Hales this morning emailed to say that the cards fold up to a standard card size, which I'm grateful for.

I don't even know why it costs more to mail square envelopes. One of the postal workers told me it was because the cards can not go through their machines and had to be hand processed. This seems odd to me. Why is it that a card that's 4x6 can go through just fine, and a card that's 6x8 can go through just fine, but a card that's 6x6 can't? It sounds like some sort of conspiracy to me. (Although I was careful to check a couple of the ones that got mailed with some people in the neighborhood to make sure that the card was hand stamped, and not machine stamped. They appeared to be hand stamped... Does the postal service need help designing a machine that can handle squares?

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