Sunday, November 05, 2006


Yesterday, the Church broadcast training for Stake Presidencies on the new Handbook of Instructions. We watched it today. It was interesting, the Brethren really want leaders to start using the handbook, and bringing the church into uniformity where it should be. Basically they were really saying Book 1 is the uniformity part, Book 2 can be flexible where it's appropriate.

I guess I'll have to start spending parts of my Tuesday nights pouring over the new handbook. They wanted people to read it until they understand the principles, so that when there is something that comes up that's outside of what is listed in the Handbook, people will have the framework to be inspired to do the right thing. I get the feeling that the Office of the First Presidency is getting swamped by things that are already outlined in the Handbook.

In other news, during Sunday School, the instructor said something along the lines of "the earth is alive. It's happy to care for the righteous." He went down that road a little , and ended with: "The apple you eat, it's alive, and is happy to nouroch the righteous. It is happy when you eat it." My reaction was "!"

It may be true that an apple has a purpose, but I don't think it's limited to the righteous, all people need food to live, and they need to live to the point that they repent, then go from there. I'm not sure the apple has any consideration in it, and I don't think it cares about me compared to the next person. What's next, my toothbrush being lonely when I fall asleep on the couch, and don't brush my teeth at night? It's a little too Toy Story for me.

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