Sunday, April 13, 2008

2008 Goal Update

  1. Post a goal update to the blog at least twice a month. 7 updates - Right on schedule.
  2. Don't let a post go by without some progress to report. This is the most productive of these this year by far. 5 books read and a play set stained.
  3. Stain the play set. Complete. Put it in the books.
  4. Finish the retaining wall. Sometime very soon. The block is $1.77 each at Home Depot, I need to go down to the place they make it at to see if they have any overruns. (Slightly defective pieces. Most of them look fine to me, but they can't deliver them to Home Depot if there is a ding in it somewhere.)
  5. Finish the mission journal. No progress.
  6. Build a bunk bed for Emma and Ruth. Late Spring.
  7. Stay under the 210 weight. Current weight - 206. I only gained a couple of pounds with all that food I ate in NYC. I guess you really don't pack it on when you are eating Pho Bo.
  8. Go to the temple at least once a month. We've gone twice this year so far. I didn't get there last month. I don't have Stake Presidency meeting this week, we are going to try to go during that time. Hopefully I can get rid of the allergy problems by then...
  9. Take Tara somewhere for our 10th wedding anniversary. No trip picked or booked yet. We will likely go somewhere for a couple of days around the trip to visit with Rob, Jonathan, and Russ in Florida. I plan to book the house for that one in the next couple of days.
  10. Read 18 books. 8 books completed so far, which gets me right back on track. I'm reading a book about Yankee Stadium right now, after that one I might need recommendations because I only have one other book lined up in the queue.
  11. Plant something other than tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, green beans and peas. Plants are starting to grow. I might have to put a couple of them out a little sooner than I would like. Mary brought a pumpkin plant home from school in a little cup, it's starting to go all over the place now and needs to get in the ground.

1 comment:

Jesse O Lyons said...

You may have already checked but we built a retaining wall using the artstone block from Lehi Block. I don't remember what their pricing was like.