An hour or so later, I went into the bathroom, which was covered in hair. Some of the hair was 3 or 4 inches long. Mary, Emma, and Ruth were trimming their hair. I confiscated all the scissors I could find, and took all the scissors the girls would fess up to having. I guess the scissors ban is back on.
I guess in their defense, they seem to be getting a little better at it, if nothing else. It's not like anyone was scalped this time... I guess Ruth cut her hair then decided she really didn't like it and that's why she was screaming. It's kind of hard to take good pictures of the work done, I don't really want them thinking I approve at all, so you are left with pictures of them asleep.
The funny thing is, I'm the one that needs the haircut, but there is no way I would have these girls cut my hair, and not one of them are anywhere near brave enough to cut my hair, either with me awake or asleep.
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