Sunday, April 06, 2008

72 hour kit buffet

Every 6 months, at General Conference time, we rotate the stuff out of our 72 hour kits. There are a couple of reasons for this.

The most important reason is to get fresher food into the things. At work, Ledge used to have a couple of emergency food kits on his shelf that were something like 8 years old at the time. Every time Ledge went on a trip (which was quite often at that time), Sorrel and I would talk about eating Ledge's food for him. Eventually Ledge opened these things up, and the food in it was nasty. We rotate the food out so it's not nasty when we eventually need it.

Another reason is that I have a set of diapers/underwear in those things. 6 months is about the limit for keeping a certain sized diaper for a particular person. Emma's kit had pullups in it, which she doesn't need anymore. Ruth went from size 4 diapers to size 6, and need a diaper update.

We also keep medicine in them. This needs to be rotated out, and correct dosages need to be in there. (There is actually a week's worth of stuff in them.)

Because we pull out the old food from the kits, there is a bunch of "new" food out after these conversions (new to them at least). We let the girls saddle up to the "Emergency kit buffet". We need to do something with the food, and it's a good way to make sure the girls still like to eat in the kits. The food might not be the best things they could be eating, but at least we know that if we end up having to evacuate the house, and take the kits with us, at least there is stuff in there the girls will eat. It's better than getting out, and finding them saying "I don't like this..."

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