Monday, May 05, 2008

Free dinner - "What is it?" - It's free, come eat.

There was a funeral in our ward this morning, I forgot about it when I woke up this morning and didn't think about it until this afternoon when Tara called. I guess they had a lot of food left over, divided it up and made deliveries. I am sure the thinking involved going to houses with lots of family members to make the least amount of trips...

I'm not necessarily a fan of cheesy potatoes and ham. I don't really like having a lot of cheese in my potato. I also don't like the thought of ham sitting in a pan of it's own rapidly cooling juices. I don't know why. The ham we ended up with was in a bag, no juices attached. It's some strange mental thing with me, this ham was fine. At Christmastime, the ward had a dinner, it was ham, and bring your own cheesy potatoes. I signed up for cheesy potatoes, and rebelled and brought roasted red potatoes. I also cooked up my own piece of steak and smuggled it in. (In my own defense, at the time I was on the diet that forbade ham and cheese...)

Anyhow, this ham wasn't too bad. One of these mornings we will have to toss some of it in some scrambled eggs, until Lily eats it all first. She seems to be a big fan. The potatoes weren't too bad, the cheese content was lower than I was braced for, which is always nice.

Other things they brought that I can't speak to: rolls, jello salad ("Meat Jello", says Emma.), and chocolate cake. The chocolate cake looks and smells really good.

Some day I need to write down my expectations for the funeral that I'm not necessarily expecting to get. Ok, maybe now. The "Return to Sender" casket is a must. I can't stress this enough. Really, really good food should be served. It doesn't have to all match, I'm ok with lots of different types of food, as long as it's good. Tonight with the stuff, they sent salad, I made a chicken wing salad, put the salad down, drizzled some chicken wing sauce as dressing, and put on a couple of cold chicken wings from a couple days ago that I had in the fridge. It's a winner. Chips and salsa should also be served. (Happy Cinco de Mayo, by the way.) I can think of lots of things that could be served. During lunch, everone needs to related one story about me they know. If they can't think of something, it's ok to make something up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there could be a contest between the made-up stories and the true stories to see who can tell the difference.
