Saturday, May 10, 2008

I am sure I didn't plant that...

We went to a baseball game this afternoon, when we got back, I was putting something in the freezer in the shed, Emma said something about a large blue bird being on the roof of the shed.

A little bit later, the girls were out in the back yard eating Otter Pops, and told Tara about a bird in the yard. Tara went and looked, and a pheasant was pacing back and forth. The thing was kind of gimpy, I'm not sure where it came from. The neighbors a couple of yards over said it was in their yard all day yesterday. It was a nice looking bird.

We left the bird alone until it started pecking at the plants in the garden. Then I chased it away. I guess the option was to eat the thing, but I'm not really hungry enough at this point to pluck the feathers off a bird and clean it to eat, really. (Same thing for cleaning and scaling a fish.) Ask me again in 6 months if the minivan has not sold by that point...

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