Thursday, January 04, 2007

The bedroom shuffle

I was talking to Jess at work today about how the girls have a good old time every night. He talked about how they ended up moving their girls who were going to school into the same room, the younger ones into another. Their thoughts were that the ones who were headed to school in the morning ended up getting up together, and would go to bed a little earlier...

This is an interesting idea. Emma and Kate are together right now, Ruth and Mary in the other room. Emma is a night owl, and will not stay in her bed at night. Even now, at midnight, she's up. Ruth is an early bird, she gets up at the crack of dawn and starts bothering Mary. If we were to put Mary and Kate together, and Ruth and Emma, would the older girls get more sleep? Would Emma and Ruth start to balance each other out, going to bed earlier (Emma), and sleeping in a little(Ruth)? Could we stick Emma and Ruth in the smaller room, and end up with less stuff for them to make messes with? Would it even work?

Clearly the idea has some merits. Maybe we will try it and see...

1 comment:

Mom said...

I think it's worth a try...