Sunday, January 28, 2007

Feed Reader

A few months back, I was using akregator as a feed reader. It worked well for a few weeks, then went bonkers and started hanging on bootup.

Several weeks ago, I installed the NewsFox Firefox extension. It worked pretty good, but for some reason, it doesn't like the new blogger feeds. This was ok at first, since I was the only person I knew on the new version, but people are starting to migrate, and it's getting annoying. I waited for an update to the extension, and the update made fancy little icons for each feed being read, but didn't fix the problem with Blogger.

I downloaded Liferea to my machine, and loaded all the feeds. This seemed to work (except for Amy's blog, it would not authenticate me in.), and I thought I was in business. Then I closed the app, configured a panel shortcut, and tried to start the thing up. The app starts, and dies. I ran it from the command line, and get:

A stale lockfile has been found, and was deleted.
Segmentation fault

Looks like it's actually a seg fault without a core file, so my liferea experience will add up to about 20 minutes total. A record so far.

I downloaded blam, didn't have all the dependancies installed, it's too late at night to hunt them down. I may go after it another day.

Downloaded RSSOwl. This ran out of the download, but has the same basic problem with the new Blogger that NewFox had. new record, 45 seconds.

I guess I'm back to doing things the old fashioned way, asking Tara if anyone has updated their blog. (Just kidding, it's the other way around.


Dave said...

I use RssReader with no problems(except for amys blog). I have it running on my laptop and a pc in my office.

jjp said...

Maybe I should have mentioned I'm running Linux...

Dave said...

I kind of figure that. I was going to make a crack about the limited options using Linux, but decided it would be better not to.

Anonymous said...

You should try the Web based feed reader Newshutch! It has the best feed reader interface, no matter the platform!