Thursday, January 11, 2007

Congratulations to Lily, who has joined a winning team

{Editors note: This is just rating. Don't let it discourage you from having kids or from visiting us. I'm sure your kids behave themselves at home, and our kids behave themselves when visitors are here, or when they are visiting others...}

It appears the Children are winning against the Parents. A few minor indications that this is the way things are leaning:

Kate has been late to school every day. Today it was because she ate her breakfast too slow, yesterday, she took too long tying her shoes, etc.

Emma has short hair. (Mary's major contribution of the week)

Emma's currently potty training streak: 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 . Tara just found her with toilet paper in her pull up, I can only assume she was trying to keep the Musical notes on the front from going away without actually having to head for the bathroom.

Ruth is the Grand Master of them all. We could devote weeks worth of little articles about Ruth. Ruth was the cause of the Great Lysol Night of 2007. Ruth has decided it's okay to get into the kitchen, push the chair over, and start playing with the knives.

Lily hasn't been corrupted by them yet, maybe be can impose a non-intervention edict.

On top of that add: Little girls who refuse to close the bathroom; One who always tries to get in the bath, clothed or not; Rooms that are only clean for hours (or less); They will not (I repeat, will not) go to bed at night unless threatened in one way or another; and the list goes on.

Whoever said that 4, 5, or 6 kids was just as easy as 2 or 3 was either pulling peoples' legs or completely unable to distingush fantasy from reality anymore.

One consolation is that someday we will get to win back all the points we are losing here with the embarassment factor. Anyone who thinks I won't have a good time embarassing these girls when they are teenagers doesn't know me very well...

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