Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Ramblings on the activities of the day

Yesterday was the first day of school. This means I spent yesterday and today in the Data Center staring at the webservers. Yesterday I was mostly bored, which is not necessarily a bad thing... Today however, I was not so lucky. Sometime last night, one of the webservers decided it had enough and was no longer cooperating with us. The operations staff tried convincing it through repeated reboots, with no success. I spent the better part of the morning looking at the thing, things would take about 3 or 4 times longer to normal to start, not give any errors, then refuse to do anything. It was a little maddening. I finally decided that I would give it one last reboot, and if it didn't cooperate, I was going to reinstall the server. It rebooted and started working normally. Sometimes you just have to know the proper threat to get what you want...

For breakfast I had 4 doughnuts and 1/2 a roast beef sandwich. I think this happens to be a great breakfast, personally. So far, no one has disputed that fact, but until now, only 6 other people knew.

I took Lily into the doctor, she has gained 9 ounces in the past week. I think the main reason for this is the steak puree IV drip we have been giving her.

I finished the final hour of the Nova series on String Theory tonight. It turns out that someone came along that could do the Math, and was able to move things right along. I knew it.

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