Saturday, February 02, 2008

Age of Empires

We missed Tom and Amy again this morning, not sure what happened to them, but Dad, Dave, and Drew played against me in a game.

I was able to knocked Drew and Dave out of their first town centers, but didn't knock them out of the game, so they stuck around. Eventually the 3 of them figured out that they should all attack me at the same time, which would have knocked me out completely if they had stuck with it for 2 more waves than they did.

In the end, they were able to knock me out, but it took 3 hours...

I thought I had made an excessive number of Redcoats, but Dave had an equally excessive number of "dudes on horses".

1 comment:

~ Amy said...

I had to work. Sorry to miss out on the fun. I have to work next week too but I'm bringing my laptop to Utah.