Saturday, February 02, 2008

Funeral for a Prophet

President Hinckley's funeral was this morning. (For those who don't know, he was the president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and God's prophet on the earth.) I've been thinking the past couple of days about some of the things he's taught in the past few years.

President Hinckley has been the prophet since I was on my mission. That seems to be longer and longer ago all the time. He was always positive, had a good outlook towards everything. (one of the things he talked about was how we were generally doing well, but needed to do just a little better.) I remember one time he was talking about how busy everyone's life was, the idea was that he was going to announce some sort of shortened meetings or something. In the end he told us all to not shortchange Family Home Evening. He never seemed to be one to compromise things. He was always one who was not afraid to speak out about what we believe. Hopefully I've listened to some of what he's said in the past few years...

When we finished our current Data Center, he came down to take a tour through it. Engineers were persona non grata at the event. Sorrel and I had been hunting around in our building that morning, and found an old set of disk drives out of a mainframe. (I had been up all night before working on a server that had gone down, and after getting things done went wandering as a diversion.) We got the idea to take it down to the Data Center that morning, give to Kelly, and tell him we were there to install it in something. (The idea was mostly sparked from the fact that they didn't want us there.) When we got the the Data Center, the church security guys were outside with the cars, just hanging around. They asked us what we were up to, we told them, they asked if we really thought that would work, but let us go down. We got in the elevator and went down, when the elevator opened, Max was there to intercept us. We didn't get any further. I think Max thought it was funny, but he still didn't let us in. If only they didn't have that camera system down there. When we got back outside, the security guys said "You didn't get in, did you?" They seemed amused. I went home and went to bed.

Anyhow, it's a comforting thought that the Priesthood is organized in a way that there is always someone to serve as another moves on...

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