Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Playing the Wii

I got a notification ( on Tuesday morning that the Walmart 10 miles North of us had Wiis in stock. One of the guys at work went up with us to get one. The employees said they got 64 of the things sometime Monday night, they had 16 left when we got there to get ours.

I got mine, Karl got his, there were about 3 people behind us lined up to get theirs. They sold something like 50 of them in 12 hours. I guess that's why you can't ever find them.

We got an extra remote, and bought Mario/Sonic Olympic Games. We've been playing a lot since we got it at lunchtime yesterday.

Things that have been learned:

  • All the girls can beat me in boxing. I'm not sure why, really.
  • If I could keep from swinging at every one of Mary's pitches, I would be able to win the baseball game just on walks. (She pitches into the dirt.)
  • Some of those games wear you out pretty quick. Tara went 3 rounds of boxing with me today, and it wiped her out. She ended up having to take a nap.
  • We need more remotes.
  • You can make just about anyone into a Mii, and make a fairly recognizable likeness of them.
I made Ruth, Emma, and Mary make their beds today before they could start watching the game, and made them all clean before playing, but I must have missed Kate's homework, she didn't get it done today. (It's not due until Friday.)

We'll have to make some sort of structure for rules of use of the thing.


Anonymous said...

Does gamecube games work on your wii? I heard that they will as long as you use the gamecube controllers

jjp said...

I believe you can play gamecube games on the Wii, but I think you need a different controller for some of them. I don't have any gamecube games, so it's hard for me to confirm...