Sunday, February 15, 2009

The fruit was for Emma's benefit, but she slept right through dinner.

I started making mashed potatoes for dinner, Emma informed me that she didn't like mashed potatoes. I asked her what she wanted, she just ran away. Kate picked the green beans, Tara picked the sausage, but got a little discouraged when she discovered the sausage had MSG. Tara has a little bit of intolerance to MSG and has been trying to avoid it lately, but she really likes this sausage, and has some anyway.

2 days after I took my new blender back to the store, the glass on my old blender broke when the thing fell over in the sink. I haven't been making shakes this week due to lack of a blender, but that's ok. I took the fruit that I would normally make a shake with, and added it to the meal.

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