Sunday, February 08, 2009

Just a visit...

Yesterday evening, the secretary for the Elder's Quorum presidency called and asked if the Quorum presidency could come by today at 3 for a visit. I told him that would be ok, but I had to be somewhere at 3:30. (home teaching, if you need to know...)

Anyway, when I pull this kind of thing, it means someone is getting a calling. Usually when I call someone up and ask for the Stake Presidency to come for a visit, it means someone is getting called as a Bishop or High Counsilor, that doesn't happen to often, but it is fun to hear some of the reactions.

The EQ secretary wanted to make it clear that the entire presidency was coming to visit, which I thought was a little curious. I knew that the Quorum presidency was getting changed today, and that the new counselor was one of the quorum instructors before this new calling. Since they were all coming to see me, and he didn't really say anything about Tara or the girls, I assumed they were coming to ask me to serve as a quorum instructor.

I was talking to the Stake President about a meeting he wanted to schedule for 3pm this afternoon a little later in the evening. I told him about the scheduled visit, if they did extend the calling, he wanted me to tell them I was already busy enough. (I was sure I wouldn't do that to them, really. It's not like it would add 10 extra hours a week to my already packed schedule, or anything...) I didn't need to go to the 3pm meeting.

At church today, the Elders quourm president confirmed that the presidency would be stopping by at 3pm. Tara and I tried to get the girls fed before they came, and almost got finished all the way. Kate went out to take care of her rabbit, and all the other girls followed her out. (Lily runs for her coat and boots now any time she knows that Kate is headed out there.)

They came and visited, and ended up leaving a little home teaching message. Our home teachers have been nearly non-existant since we went on our vacation in September, and my Mom would not agree to let them come while we were gone. (Funny story. He called late in the evening on the last Sunday we were gone, found out that Tara and I were gone, and then asked if he could stop by Monday or Tuesday to say hi to the kids. My Mom refused, which is always the right thing for the babysitter who doesn't know the person asking to do, I think he tried to insist, and she was firm with him. I am guessing firm in the way that only my Mom can be. I figure she must have scared him a little bit, because we haven't heard from him since. Not a complaint against my Mom, I would have done the exact same thing in her place...) Anyway, long story short, the Elders quourm presidency was just going around visiting families that had not had their home teachers come by for a long time. Good for them. Had I known that was really what they were doing, I would have had the girls come in and sit down with us to listen to the message. Mary was the only one that sat on the couch with us, the rest of them were all outside terrorizing Kate's rabbit...


Mom said...

I would like to say that I was not mean to your home teacher... he was calling at the last minute and I felt that he didn't really need to come "see the girls" on Monday night during dinner with much of the rest of the family.... he was annoying. Anyway, if that was enough to discourage him from coming back, he should come live in Buffalo for awhile...

jjp said...

I think you did the right thing, and it sounded like he was being kind of annoying. I am sure you were 100 times nicer than I would have been in the same situation...

It's just kind of funny that we haven't seen him since.