Tuesday, January 03, 2006

2006 Goals

Here are some 2006 goals I am making up on the spot.

#1 - Move back into the top 100 posters on the HP ITRC forums. I went as high as 108 once on the forums, I have not had a lot of time to post answers on the forums lately. I am currently at 162 on the list. Currently, the person at 100 on the list has 4519 points assigned. I currently have 3222 points. If no one moves besides me, I would need 1297 more points to be at position 100. (for those who are subtraction-impaired.) I figure I need somewhere around 1500 points or so. Thats 125 points per month. Not an unattainable goal. What am I talking about? http://forums.itrc.hp.com Some of the guys on the top of the list really don't have anything else to do.

#2 - Finish my mission journal. It's been sitting at 220 pages for almost 5 months now. I have a ways to go, but it needs to get finished and published. (I was thinking some sort of nice paper in a hardcover bound format. It might be a tiny bit expensive to do, but I will only do 2 copies...)

#3 - Finish the garden retaining wall. I need 2 more pallets of block to finish, sometime this spring

#4 - Make 6 wooden chairs for outside the house. 2 large, 4 small.

#5 - Get down to somewhere in the 200-210 pound weight. I've weighed less in the past 10 years, but I think this is good for me. (The post gall bladder removal, post broken ankle era.) I've been at 225 for about a year.

#6 - Start using the Gazelle again. I haven't used this since June 9th. It's partly related to #5, but it can be separate...

#7 - Take some vacation trips. See some people. Relax.

That's all I've got off the top of my head right now. That should keep me plenty busy. I will post updates fromtime to time here. (stay Tuned.)

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