Saturday, January 28, 2006

Remembering the Challenger

20 years ago today, the Challenger space shuttle blew up. I remember being in school, at lunch, and the vice principal came in telling people the shuttle blew up. None of us believed him. In class a little later, the TV was turned on and we wanted the news a little. At home, all that was on TV the rest of the day was the explosion and people talking about it.

I don't really remember much else except my fasination with the whole thing. The fact that a piece of rubber could have caused the explosion was amazing to me.

We have a teacher who had applied to be the first teacher in space. That's all he said to us in the halls that day, that he could have been on the shuttle.

The engineering I do is all about servers, making them perform well, maintaining them, securing them, and repairing them when necessary. I think if I had a job where I designed something, or was in charge of QA testing of something, then later someone died because of my not getting the job done, I would seriously look for new work. (Not trying to say anything about those people, just about me. I have no idea what happened to those engineers.) For me, it's not like all the students will drop out of school and transfer up the road just because they can't check their email or register for classes on some particular day...

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