Thursday, January 19, 2006

Continued fallout from last week's outage.

Yesterday we had a meeting reviewing the outage on Friday. The prevaling thought was excellent work was done getting things running for them in a timely manner. All email I have recieved to date indicates EVERY is Very happy. (I would think they would have been happy had the outage never happened, but maybe they would have been blissfully ignorant. Maybe they figure since it happened, they were happy we were back.)

Anyway, the DBA's asked me to come to a meeting yesterday about our upgrade on the 29th. I totally forgot about it this morning. They were doing a potluck breakfast. I forgot this morning, there was 5 inches of snow on the ground, and I got carried away shoveling this morning... They called me and asked me to come to the meeting.

I came, and the first order of business was for them to thank me for working the miracle I did. To further thank me for this and the work I do for them all the time, they gave me a $35 Ruby River gift certificate. (They said I saved their bacon, so they figured they would give me some bacon back.)

This is a very good thing. I always start to salivate when I drive past that place. Their New York Steak is good, good, good. I've been thinking about it all afternoon.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Sounds like everyone is out to keep you off that diet