Friday, September 08, 2006

Thoughts on traffic

The start of the Fall semester also bring to the front thoughts of traffic. This happens when you are walking down the street, when you are driving, things like that. (I'm sure the same thing happens if you bike down the street, but I have been avoiding our bikes for a couple of years.)
I saw this bumper sticker today, I think it's pretty funny.

I was driving to the doctor's office today, and going merrily down the road, when the person in front of me mysteriously slowed down by 10 MPH. We had been going the speed limit before the sudden braking. I looked around, and the decrease in speed was because there was a patrol car sitting on the side of the road "doing traffic duty".

Now this kind of ticks me off. When I'm driving down the freeway, these people make me laugh. (As long as they aren't directly in front of me, then they tick me off.) I figure that I know full well what speed I am going, if it happens to be higher than the posted limit, that's the risk I am taking. If I get hit by radar, and pulled over, then I get pulled over. By the time I see the trooper, he's likely already tagged my speed, and he's ready to pull me over or let me by. There's no need to slow down. Do people think that by braking, they will get a reprive?

Anyway, I really don't understand why people slow down when they were already driving the posted speed limit. Do they have an open container of alcohol sitting in the car, and don't want to get tagged? Do they have a child without a proper safety harness? It kind of ticks me off. (Not always in bold, but it was today.)

Drew tells me that just the other day, he issued 22 citations on the street just over our back fence. Not bad for an afternoons work. He gets a little worried that it might be someone in our ward, but this time of year, I can almost guarentee it was all students, they all lived in one of the 3 sets of condos East of us, and they all deserved it. Sometimes if the traffic is bad on that corner, they will turn on our street and zoom down the road. (35, 40, 45?) Once in a while they are going fast enough that I really want to throw whatever I have in my hands at them to get their attention...

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