Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Where have the posts been?

I'll beat you to it. Is this thing on?

It's been an interesting few days here. On Sunday we went up to a priesthood ordination for one of Tara's Nephews. (He's a teacher now.) His Dad was telling his Bishopric how he wondered if Devon, the older (but still a teacher) brother could participate in the ordination, but he looked it up, and decided that wasn't allowed. I was nodding my head in agreement. (It's not often that Robert and I are in complete agreement, not that we argue, we mostly just don't orbit the same circles more than anything else.) One of the Bishopric, I'm not sure if it was the Bishop or not, said that no, Deacons could ordain Deacons, Teachers could ordain Teachers, and so forth. I shook my head no, but I didn't want to get involved, it wasn't my Bishop (who knows better), or an ordination in our Stake, so I stayed out of it. I'm not sure why they didn't just open the handbook up, when there was a difference of opinion. (New or Old, I'm sure it's the same. (The new ones are on their way!))

So, long story short, his brother stood in on the ordination. We went back to our Ward after the ordination, (I figured the girls really would rather attend their own primary, and we missed the Sacrament at the first place...) and during Sunday School, among other things, I looked it up in the handbook. The handbook says only priests and Melchizedek Priesthood holders may stand in the circle. (My reading comprehension and retention seem to still be in place, we were right...) Anyway, that's your "Written Order of Things" hint of the week.

Sunday afternoon, I was very tired. It was a struggle for Tara to keep me awake. We went to bed at something like 6 or 7 in the evening, I slept all night long. (Or so I assume) Monday morning, I woke up light headed, a little dizzy, and just generally not feeling well. I basically didn't get out of bed all day. Luckily, I had Zoo Tycoon 2 to keep me company. I would play a little, fall asleep, wake up, and find I had all kind of money to get new animals.

I don't mind occasionally taking a sick day once in a while, but it would be nice to be able to do it on a day that's not already a paid holiday. Maybe I'll have to come down with something in a couple of days to make up for the lost holiday. Maybe it was West Nile Virus, and I just got over it quick.

This morning, I couldn't afford to be sick. It was the first day of school, which normally means there's something that breaks which I need to fix. This year was no different. During the 9am hour, we discovered that load was up 20-30% from last year. During the 10am hour, I decided we would be in trouble by 11am. Normally Tuesdays at 11am on campus is Campus Devotional, so there are no classes scheduled. There was no devotional today, so I figured everyone would want to log into the portal for class schedules, email, or whatever. Or load increase had not gone down any. I didn't have any spare servers to use as web server, so I robbed Peter to pay Paul. (Or in this case, I robbed Peoplesoft to pay the Web Portal) Even this machine didn't help all that much (but it kept things from going completely down, so the time to reinstall the server was worth it), we ended up having the biggest load we have ever had. It's funny, we try to plan for our capacity, and every once in a while, they suprise us. Students.

We kept things up, by 3pm, everything was calm for the day, so we disbanded. Not perfect, but the system didn't go completely down, so I'll claim victory. (Or at least partial victory.) It was a good thing I showed up for work, and it was a good thing I wasn't sick anymore. (And the lunch they fed us was very good. TGI Friday's takeout Fajitas with chips and salsa. They were very good.)

That, my friends, is your 3 day travel log.


Mom said...

Who pays for all of these lunches brought in and how do I get a job there?

Anonymous said...

wasn't it reading rainbow that said, "Read a book."

I didn't know there were new manuals coming out. I can't wait!
