Thursday, December 28, 2006

Baby Swing

We didn't end up buying a baby swing 6 weeks ago, we were talked out of it right here on this very blog. Lily has been having a hard time staying asleep, especially when Tara is not holding her. She has been good at falling asleep in the car, but last night it took 25 minutes to get her to do that.

I borrowed a swing from Drew last night to try it out with her, and this morning we had her in it fir about an hour. She mostly slept in the thing, only the occasional whimper when Ruth came up and stopped the swing. (And it took me 10 minutes to figure out that the word on the red button was "off", not "on".)

Anyway, an hour without holding her is worth 2 in the bushel (or something like that), so I went out in search of a Fisher Price Aquarium Take Along Swing. This is the newer model of the swing Amy had this past summer that we could keep Ruth out of.

6 weeks ago, it was marked down to $42 on, with free shipping. When we went back to it yesterday, it was back up to it's normal price of $64 dollars. This seemed like a lot for a little swing, but on the other hand, it's a little hard to get anything done with a little baby attached to you at all times. Burlington Coat factory the unit for $54 on thesdir website, I went to go see if they had the same deal at the store. Stopped at Walmart on my way there, they had 1 unit left, it was on clearance for $47, so I bought it.

Lily is in it right now, I'm not sure if she appreciates the lights and music just yet, and I don't think she's all that happy to be left there, but hopefully it will rock her to sleep in a few minutes and Tara can actually get something else done.

In other news, our other 4 girls seem to be completely unable to listen to us anymore. I'm thinking about boarding school...

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