Friday, December 29, 2006

New visitors

I know some of you reading this are new visitors here, welcome. (30% new this week alone, and most of the new ones are coming from towns of people we sent Christmas cards to. At this point, I'm assuming we know who you are, and it's not your mailman viewing my blog. Also, I am assuming that means that some of you got the Christmas cards...)

Anyway, feel free to poke around. I tend to have a lot to say sometimes, but it's not like I say anything important, really. Feel free to post a comment on anything, and maybe just post a comment on this one so we know you were here.

It's been a while since I have said anything that provokes strong reactions from people. (I think, anyway, the reactions usually come from Tara and my Mom, I rarely say things to drive readers away, although I occasionally say something to try to get a reaction out of Rob...) Maybe I'll try harder, just know it's me, and take the good with whatever else you get.


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