Thursday, February 15, 2007

Game Time

Age of Empires

Dad and Dave - 1
Me - 0

Looks like they were ready for me. Rob got online about 3 minutes after we started, and we missed him. (Sorry Rob, I should have called...)

I hear Adam wants to get in on a game Saturday. Looks like we will have to plan something.

Now for a few feable excuses:

1/2 way through the game, Lily woke up. (Tara was gone) She demanded a bottle. It's not all that easy to play a game and feed the baby at the same time.

After feeding Lily, I had to respond to Ruth and Emma screaming at the top of their lungs. (They wanted refills for their bottles.) They also emptied all the clothes out of Ruth's dresser again. There was a reaction from me. When I came back from that one, the computer player on my team was just about knocked out by Dad.

Dave finally figured out what to do with all his horses, which is kind of troublesome.

I spent some time playing Zoo Tycoon this week, I think it got me out of the zone I was in. OR my competition is getting better...

Sorry again Rob.

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